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White House Responds to GOP’s Hunter Biden Probe: ‘Long-Debunked Conspiracy Theories’


The White House has responded to House Republicans’ announcement that they would be opening a probe into Joe Biden’s involvement with his son Hunter’s business interests by casting the probe as an exploration of “long-debunked conspiracy theories.”

“President Biden is not going to let these political attacks distract him from focusing on Americans’ priorities, and we hope congressional Republicans will join us in tackling them instead of wasting time and resources on political revenge,” said a spokesman for the White House Counsel’s office.

At a press conference held on Thursday morning, Representatives James Comer (R., Ky.) and Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) announced that House Republicans would be opening up an investigation to determine the extent of President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings.

According to Comer and Jordan, Republicans have already gathered incriminating evidence of wire fraud, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, money laundering, and tax evasion, among other crimes allegedly committed by the Bidens. Jordan, who is expected to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee now that Republicans have secured a narrow majority in the chamber, plans to make the Biden’s overseas business dealings a central focus of the committee’s oversight efforts in the new Congress.

“As part of our investigation, we have evidence that the finances, credit cards, and bank accounts of Hunter and Joe Biden were co-mingled, if not shared. And on some accounts at least, red flags were raised by banks to the account owner or owners indicating suspicious or illegal activity,” said Comer, who also noted that Hunter Biden’s business associates met with his father on numerous occasions while Biden was serving as vice president.

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The Bidens “flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to the family,” said Comer.

The business activity and drug use of Hunter Biden has long been a political liability for the president, who has stood by and stated that he is “proud” of his son.

House Republicans followed up the press conference by releasing a report Thursday that outlines their past and future investigative efforts.

“Committee Republicans’ investigation has uncovered evidence demonstrating deliberate, repeated deception of the American people, abuse of the Executive Branch for personal gain, use of government power to obstruct the investigation and prevent transparency, and potential violations of the United States Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause,” the report reads.

“The President’s personal participation in his family’s global business ventures — committed through and by a complex network of relatives and associates to enrich the Biden family — has exposed the United States to national security risks that could be leveraged by our enemies to undermine the Office of the President,” the report continues.

According to a Washington Post report from last month, the U.S. attorney in Delaware is currently mulling charges against Hunter Biden, who has been presented with evidence by federal investigators that Biden has committed tax evasion and lied about his drug use on a form he filled out in order to purchase a firearm. He was using crack cocaine at the time.

Hallie Biden, Hunter’s late older brother Beau’s widow, and Hunter’s ex- girlfriend, hid the weapon from him because she was “scared” he would “use it.”

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Isaac Schorr

Isaac Schorr

Isaac Schorr is a media and enterprise reporter for National Review.


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