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2022 Sucked


Picture 365 days full of sucking and you’ve got this past year. Not in my personal life, and hopefully not in yours either, but politically. We have a moron in the White House, a culture going to hell, and a media actively working against any and everything that refuses to conform to their left-wing agenda. At least on January 3rd a new Congress convenes and some of the horrible will end. So we make sure we repeat a little of the garbage from 2022 to 2023, let’s take a look back at some of the worst.

First, we’re going broke faster than anyone thought possible. Joe Biden doesn’t understand math… economics…or how to tie his shoes (seriously, he’d either be barefoot or tripping constantly with only laces), and no amount of explanation is going to make him care that he’s bringing about the collapse of our economy. It’s not really that he’s too stupid to understand, though he’s plenty stupid, it’s that to the extent to which he does understand what he’s doing, he does not care.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Road House, there’s a scene where the character of Brad Wesley (played by Ben Gazzara) simply does not give a damn about anything, he owns the town, and he’s driving down a country road singing along with “Sh-Boom,” swerving from side to side singing a song. He runs Patrick Swayze’s car off the road because he does not care. Joe Biden is Brad Wesley and we’re that guy in the other car.

Honestly, why would Biden care? As long as the economic collapse doesn’t occur on his watch he’ll not only never be blamed for it by a compliant press, it’s very unlikely he’ll be alive when it happens, so he’ll never have to face the consequences of his failure. While 2023 won’t stop him from screwing things up, it will at least bring us closer to ending him from making things worse.

Then we have that media that will not report honestly about Joe Biden or any Democrat. That’s not going to get any better, they’re on the team. I’ve never seen adults look at something so obviously, one thing, and all collectively either ignore it or insist that it is something else entirely. After an election season of them screaming “THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!” you’d think the people actively working to undermine it in the name of politics might recognize an actual threat to democracy.

They aren’t going to get any better, they aren’t going to change…except that more and more people will see them for what they are, which means fewer and fewer people will believe their bile or patronize their employers. More lay-offs and closures. It’s not ideal, it’d be better if they did their damn jobs, but it’s better than them continuing along the path they’re on now. Besides, to hell with them.

I saved the cultural rot for last because it is, long term, the most important and dangerous.

There is no point in my life in which I would have believed you if you’d told me a political party would be openly sided with pedophiles, but here we are. And have no doubt, that’s what you are engaged in when you’re sexualizing children, whether or not it gets physical is irrelevant.

In 2022, the smell from the dump not only wafted all over everyone, but it also came to life and was given royal treatment by the political left in the country.

Honestly, I don’t care what people do in private, as long as whoever they do it with is of age and willing. At some point over the past few years what was going on in private became public, not because normal people started prying into the bedrooms of others, but because some people decided to make the world their bedroom and try to force the world to watch and applaud.

If some guy in a dress gyrated in front of me when I was a kid my dad would’ve knocked him into next week. Now, that same guy is celebrated by politicians, the media, librarians, etc. I don’t care if you want to wear a dress or pretend to be a woman, it’s the need a small percentage of these people have to rub the faces of kids in it, or at least their crotches, that is sick. There is no circumstance under which the sexualizing of children is OK. Parents who bring their kids to these “shows” are just as sick as the men getting off on it. If you took a kid to a strip club you’d be arrested, what the hell is wrong with the people who cheer it?

I know, they say it’s all about “acceptance” and not making trans people feel bad. When it comes to kids, I simply don’t give a damn. I’m not going to celebrate anyone’s sexuality or fetish, I simply don’t care – you have to explain to God what you’ve done, I don’t – but no one’s self-esteem or anything else is worth damaging a child. If you want to have a drag club where adults who enjoy that toss cash and adulation your way, knock yourself out. If you want your elementary school’s public library filled with students to be that venue, hell no.

That an entire wing of society defends and cheers this is not only a sign of the decline of American greatness, but if we don’t squash it’ll be the end of it, and deservedly so.

It’s shocking enough how pandering Democrats collectively forgot what a woman was in 2022, especially the “feminist” wing, but that they’re now forgetting what a child brings to a new level. Body mutilation, chemically altering children on whims and delusions, permanently butchering…

Yes, 2022 brought about a new level of evil most people wouldn’t have thought possible just a couple of years ago. If it isn’t destroyed, it will destroy us all. And honestly, we’d deserve it. Let’s hope 2023 is much, much better.

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Derek Hunter

Derek Hunter

Derek Hunter is Washington, DC based writer who has authored the book "Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood ", a radio host on WCBM in Maryland The Derek Hunter Show. He has previously worked for several prominent conservative non-profits as an analyst in health, education, technology and judicial policies, as well as a press secretary in the US Senate. Additionally, Derek helped found the Daily Caller, where he is a contributor. You can also stalk his thoughts 140 characters at a time on Twitter and is the host of a free daily podcast on SoundCloud.


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